
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Whole Body Wellness


And these progress pics.

I sort of feel like I'm living some dream where I'm the best version of myself, and then I'm going to wake up and still be someone just drudging through life. Every day when I wake up and say my affirmations, I have to slap myself in the face and realize: this is real life. I'm doing it. I'm living the dream that is this beautiful reality.

I know I shared a progress pic or two in the last week, but I have yet to share my real progress pics. Some of you other bloggers know what I mean - the pics you take that you don't really ever want to show anyone? Well, it's time for another healthy does of vulnerability.

Here goes.

Minimal difference, but at least starting to see some ab lines!
Bigger difference than I thought there'd be - never thought I'd see my back leaning out. I was discouraged at how little fat I was losing off my thighs, but it turns out it's all coming off my shoulders and spine....? Thanks body.
BIGGEST DIFFERENCE BY FAR! My goal in these pics was to not suck in, but just to stand with good posture and relax. The difference is unbelievable.

Wanna know something else? I didn't do a single sit-up to see these changes. Abs are made in the kitchen, not the gym. They're also made by doing lifting and cardio circuits that utilize your core. My abs are the most sore after doing dead lifts and lunges in proper form, or by maxing out on my pushups.

I can't even put into words how encouraging these pictures are to me. They are encouraging because I truly did not set out on this journey to lose weight or have a certain body. I'll never be that girl, even if I ever wanted to be. I set out on this journey to discover what it really meant to find whole body wellness - to find peace spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically. The rest has simply followed.

These pictures are a sign to me that I am treating my body with love and seeing my body as a vessel of love. They are a sign that I have found what truly satisfies in life, and it's not food. They stand for change. They show me how far I've come in so little time and allow me to dream unbelievably huge dreams for my future. 

On that note, let's talk RECIPES!

Vegan Brownie Cup

*Credit to Banana Buzzbomb for giving me the inspiration for this recipe

4 tbsp. whole wheat flour or oat flour (can just use rolled oats that have been food processed)
2-3 tbsp. cocoa
2 tbsp. powdered peanut butter
2 tbsp. Sucanat
1 tbsp. agave nectar or maple syrup
1/2 tsp. vanilla
1/2 tsp. baking powder
3 rounded tbsp. applesauce
1/3 c. almond milk (or until reaches batter-like consistency)
2 tbsp. vegan chocolate chips

Mix all ingredients in a large cup or mug until they have a batter like consistency. Place in microwave for 2 minutes or until firm around the edges. Let cool for 5 minutes. Enjoy!

Check out that HUGE mug! Shared it with the hubby. Wouldn't have been proper without the best episode of Portlandia yet! Of course he enjoyed his with a Harpoon...because, really - what doesn't go with Harpoon?

Makes 2 servings.

Nutrition facts:
217 calories 
6 grams protein

Coffee Protein Shake
1/2 banana
3 ice cubes
1 scoop chocolate protein powder
2 tbsp. powdered peanut butter
1 cup almond milk
1 packet decaf instant coffee
3 drops liquid stevia
dash cinnamon

Blend all ingredients until you reach desired consistency. Sprinkle with more cinnamon and enjoy!

Can't get enough of this one. I love that it's a little thinner than other shakes, because it really quenches my thirst after a tough workout like this morning's TABATA!!

Makes 1 serving.

Nutrition facts:
225 calories
23 grams protein (depending on what protein powder you use)

Avocado Athlete


  1. thanks for sharing that chocolatey recipe! and great job on the progress, i can def see differences in the pics especially the abs, you're right! congrats :)

  2. Sign me up for whatever you're doing, lady, because it works! The difference in your back and stomach, especially, are incredible! Good for you - your hard work and dedication is clearly paying off :)

    I LOVE cake/brownie mugs. I'm definitely going to try this recipe - I'm intrigued by not having to use sugar...that tends to be the killer in those recipes.

    1. Thanks Molly! So glad I took progress pics because I was honestly surprised when I saw them. TRY THE BROWNIE MUG RECIPE! Amazing. I'm going to try making it with oatmeal and stevia soon and see if I can up the health factor more while keeping the texture and flavor. I'll let you know!
