
Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Stocking a Clean Vegan Kitchen

This might seem completely overwhelming at first, but as those who helped guide me on this magical path toward clean eating told me, just slowly replace one item at a time as you use up what you already have. It's a process, but a process worth going through. I didn't listen. I just threw it all away and got new stuff...but that's because I'm impulsive in the worst kind of way. Don't follow my example. Or do - maybe that's the kick you need.

I'm going to start with the non-vegan specific things, because obviously not everyone is on this train with me.

This is the area that has changed the most for me. Forget giving up dairy and meat - this is what I think really matters most and is truly the hardest thing for most people - giving up refined flour and sugar and learning to incorporate "weird health foods." In my humble opinion, if everyone just kept eating small portions of lean meats and limited dairy, but eliminated the intake of high fructose corn syrup and refined flours and sugar, we would see great changes in health and energy levels.
Multigrain oats (instead of rolled oats), whole wheat flour (instead of white flour),
sucanat (instead of sugar), arrowroot powder (instead of corn starch), and egg replacer (instead of....EGGS).
Hemp seeds, goji berries, ground flax seed, chia seeds, spirulina, vitamin b12,
coconut oil, and vegetable soup base.
Organic raw agave nectar - low glycemic index, not highly processed, lots of mineral benefits.
Stevia extract - NO GLYCEMIC INDEX, no aspartame or chemicals, all natural.  
Did you know
that they even make Barbeque Sauce with agave nectar now? YOU CAN DO THIS.
Whenever I cook or bake, I use whole wheat flour instead of white flour. Whole wheat is much higher in fiber, vitamins B6 and E, magnesium, zinc, folic acid and chromium - naturally higher - the nutrition facts may not show these differences, because processed foods are fortified after all the natural goodness is taken out. I don't think it's any one of these substitutions that has changed my life, but an entire lifestyle change that has given me much more energy and is helping me get in shape fast. This goes back to my same old song: when something is wrong with a part of your body, something is wrong with your WHOLE body. Giving your body every nutrient it needs shouldn't be hard. God created the earth with all the food we need to be in perfect health AND to be in spiritual union with creation. We just quickly went and messed that all up by deciding to crush, boil, and bleach everything before we eat it. 

  • Hemp seeds: a COMPLETE PROTEIN on their own - 170 calories/10 grams protein per serving
  • Goji berries: the world's superfood. Just google it, people. Sprinkle them on salads, throw them in a smoothie.
  • Chia seeds: amazing gelling properties, protein packed, healthy fats.
  • Coconut oil: non-cancer causing, safe for high heat, endless health benefits. Again, use that google search bar.
  • Need I go on????

Vegan meat substitutes
NOT something I eat often. I try to eat these at most once every other day, since many soy meat products are just as highly processed and full of mystery ingredients as other nasty foods.

Veggie burgers (no concentrated soy protein), Meatballs, Sausage Patties, and
Mandarin Orange Chicken. All products purchased at Trader Joes.
The point is that they have everything. From vegan beef tips to vegan chicken fingers, there are new products coming out every day that taste more and more like the "real thing." Although I always depend on whole natural foods for the majority of my protein and nutrients, these can help hit that craving for something salty and savory. Also, some of them really are made with whole natural ingredients. Dr. Prager's veggie burgers, for instance, contain carrots, onions, string beans, oat bran, soybeans, zucchini, peas, broccoli, corn, soy flakes, spinach, expeller pressed canola oil, red peppers, arrowroot, corn starch, garlic, corn meal, salt, parsley, and black pepper. Not bad, eh? They still offer 5 grams of protein, but don't contain any added soy protein isolate (the ingredient which currently has undetermined health risks).

Also, not all vegan protein is highly processed. Tofu is fairly highly processed, but does not contain any mystery ingredients. Other forms of protein, such as tempeh and seitan are hardly processed at all. Seitan contains nothing but water, wheat gluten, soy sauce, flour, and garlic and packs in 21 grams of protein per 120 calories. Unbelievable, really. 
Super firm organic tofu (no GMOs!) for just $1.99 at Whole Foods.
Seitan strips (also available ground or cubed).
Vegan dairy substitutes
I would say the same thing about a lot of these as I would about vegan meat substitues. Try to watch excessive soy protein intake, and try to avoid the super processed things that contain lists of 20 mystery ingredients. That being said, delicious new products like soy vanilla yogurt offer great health benefits with protein and live cultures. Also, vegan cheese has come a long way for those of you who think you could never give up pizza.

BUT in terms of milk, VEGANS JUST WIN, people. There have been hundreds of years of studies supporting the conclusion that consumption of cow's milk causes all kinds of health risks, and for many people causes allergies, asthma, etc. Ever heard of lactose intolerance? Yeah, like over 60% of the adult population has it. Maybe we should call those people normal and the rest of the people lactose tolerant because they're weird. Milk is for babies. Milk is for babies within that species. Let's not drink baby cow meals. Also, have you tasted almond milk? IT'S AMAZING. The sweetened vanilla kind is still healthy and tastes delicious. I've personally adjusted to unsweetened, and if I need an extra sweet kick in a smoothie, I'll throw in a packet of stevia.

I could go on all day, but I'm going to stop now. Challenge: just try replacing what you currently eat with these healthier choices as you go, and see if it's really as hard to give up as you thought. I doubt it will be. Also, not only will you be healthier, you'll feel healthier. There is something so mental and spiritual about getting your body BACK TO NATURE. Eating whole, unrefined foods makes you feel alive, and allows you to start seeing FOOD AS FUEL. That's what it is, but that view has been completely distorted by our society. I used to get excited to eat food because it tasted good. Guess what? It still tastes phenomenal, but now I get excited to see how much good fuel I can give my body in one dose. When I manage to incorporate plant protein, seeds, vegetables, and fruits into one meal, it actually makes me laugh because I'M WINNING. It's an entirely new way of life.

Vegan [Wanna-Be] Housewife

(ps) Need some proof? I did. It's not there yet, but it's progress. Serious progress.

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